SCA Barony of Nottinghill Coill


The Baronial Seneschal acts as the administrative head, or president of the local SCA group whose main purpose is the efficient and well-ordered operation of the local branch. The duties of the Baronial Seneschal include conducting Baronial business and financial committee meetings, administering the operations of the Barony, and providing reports to the Kingdom and regional seneschals regarding Baronial activity as required.

The current Baronial Seneschal of Nottinghill Coill is Lord Roderick Mund and he can be reached via the following email address:



The Baronial Exchequer is the keeper of the financial records of the Barony. The Baronial Exchequer is responsible for ensuring that the Barony follows procedures as per local, Kingdom and Society policy, assisting with keeping track of the Baronial regalia and ‘stuff’, establishing and maintenance of the Baronial financial policy, and providing reports to the Kingdom and regional exchequers as required.

The current Baronial Exchequer is Duchess Marie-Simone de Barjavel ‘la Fildena and she can be reached via the following email address:


The Baronial Herald serves the Barony as an audible voice during Baronial courts, advising Their Excellencies regarding the submissions of names and heraldry for Baronial awards, and assisting the populace with the research and submission process for names and heraldry (arms).

The current Baronial Herald is Baroness Gwenfrewi of Abergavenny and she can be reached via the following email address:


The Baronial Chatelain is the official welcome wagon to all comers, new and experienced. Brand new to the SCA and want to know more? The Chatelain has your answers and will be happy to help! Experienced SCA veteran new to the area and looking to dive back in? If the Chatelain doesn’t know, they will find out exactly who, what, when, and where for you. Additionally, the Baronial Chatelain sends reports regarding newcomer activities in the Barony to the upper level regional and Kingdom officers.

The current Baronial Chatelain is Lord Macsen ap Rhys of Wyvern Hall and he can be reached via the following email address:

Minister of the Lists

The Baronial Minister of the Lists (or MoL) helps with organizing, completing, and maintaining the paperwork needed to track the Barony’s fighters’ authorizations and run combat scenarios at Baronial events. They are frequently found sitting at the table (preferably under a tent) on the side of the fighting (list) field. At an event, the MoL will be assisting the Marshals with signing in combatants, checking authorization cards, recording authorizations, and completing all those very necessary forms to keep fighting in the Barony running smoothly and efficiently. The Baronial MoL sends reports the aforementioned reports to the Kingdom MoL as required.

The office of Baronial Minister of the Lists is currently vacant and accepting letters of intent.

Knight Marshal

The Baronial Knight Marshal is an SCA member that has been authorized in one or more of the martial disciplines. Safety is the primary responsibility and concern of the Baronial Knight Marshal, overriding all other considerations. The Baronial Knights Marshal may be asked to coordinate and organize the martial activities at a Baronial event, working with the Minister of the Lists at the event to complete all necessary paperwork and reports.

The current Baronial Knight Marshal is Lord Mattias von Haud Panther (aka Lord Wilhelm Leopard der Schwarze) and he can be reached at the following email address:


Minister of Arts & Sciences

The Baronial Minister of Arts & Sciences services the Barony by encouraging and promoting the active research and creation of arts and sciences of pre-17th century cultures. This includes teaching classes, coordinating arts and sciences competitions at events, and reporting on the arts and sciences activities of the Barony to the regional and Kingdom level Ministers of Arts & Sciences.

The current Baronial Minister of Arts & Sciences is Dominus Marius Agorius Donatus Minius Germanicus (aka Maximus) and he can be reached at the email address:



The Baronial Chronicler is the creator and editor of the Baronial newsletter, the Nottinghill Quill. All manner of content can be submitted for inclusion in the Baronial newsletter: recipes, project write-ups, works of art, etc. Additionally, the Barony’s financial reports, Baronial meeting notes, and any updates to policy are also shared with the populace in the Quill.

The current Baronial Chronicler is Magestra Machteld Cleine and she can be reached at the email address:


Youth Minister

The Baronial Youth Minister organizes and encourages the organization of youth activities at Baronial events. The children of the Barony are able to participate in most activities that the adults are able to.

The current Baronial Youth Minister is Dame Cyneswith the Quiet and she can be reached at the email address:

Social media Officer

The Baronial Social Media Officer maintains the Baronial presence on multiple social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

The current  Baronial Social Media Officer is Lady Irmgard Hasenschlaf and she can be reached via the following email address:


Clerk Signet

The current Baronial Clerk Signet is Maestress
Bríg ingen Érennaigh and she can be reached at the email address:

Web Minister

The Baronial Webminister is responsible for the care and feeding of this very website! Websites for Baronial websites are also within the wheelhouse of the Baronial Webminister.

The current Baronial Webminister is Lady Merewyn Scharp and she can be reached at the email address: