SCA Barony of Nottinghill Coill

Yule Toy Tourney Arts & Sciences

Arts & Sciences Competitions

Food or Drink: A dish or drink that would not only keep you warm during those long Siberian winters but would also put you in the Christmas spirit. The dish/drink should comply with SCA and site restrictions (reminder, this is a dry site) Documentation: minimum of original recipe, culture, and time period it came from is required, if original recipe is different from recipe used that recipe is required also. 

Entertainment: Something that will keep your mind off the cold Siberian winters and put you in the Christmas spirit. This is open to all forms of entertainment; music, a poem, games, dancing, as long as it something that can be easily taught to children. Documentation: if entry is of your own creation a minimum of what inspired you is required. If you are recreating a historical form minimal documentation is required.

Open Display: Show us what you are working on! It can be a new passion you have started, something you are working on, or something you have hidden away that you made years ago. Show off your artistic passion!

A&S Champion: A new A&S Champion will be chosen at Yule Toy. To compete for this title you must send a letter of intent to our Posadnik and Posaditsa. Then you will need to enter in the food or drink, Entertainment, or Open Display categories. These entries must be Green & Gold themed and have documentation.

Iron Artisan: Yule Edition You will be shown a table covered with a wide range of items. Your challenge is to make a Christmas gift from those items before your time is up. You can bring any tools or other items to aid in your creation from home.

Lady Milicent Shively Scroll Blank: Sharing the scribal arts was a deep passion of the late Lady Milicent Shively. We wish to honor her legacy of skill and talent with a Memorial Scroll Blank Challenge at Yule Toy Tourney. Bring all your scroll blanks to present to the populace for choice. Scrolls will be donated to the use of the Barony in honor of our late prolific scribe, Lady Milicent. As Millicent loved to see scrolls of all levels of expertise, this challenge is open to any and all who wish to participate. The only request, (but not a requirement), is that a Lily is included somewhere in the illumination (whether hidden, or the focus of the design).

Arts & Sciences Classes/Solars:

Scroll Cover Assembly class by Lady Merewyn Scharp